How is Mary’s House ALF different from other assisted living facilities?
We provide an exceptional assisted living care experience through a dedicated and compassionate team & enriched services that promote dignity, choice and loving support. Mary's House offers the perfect scenario for a distinctly family-oriented social environment.
What is the visitation policy at Mary's House?
Click here to read our visitation policy.
Does Mary’s House ALF take insurance/medicare?
Yes, Mary's House ALF accepts insurance and medicare in addition to pensions and other payment methods.
When is the right time to move to an assisted living facility?
Assisted living is a great housing choice for seniors who are no longer capable of living alone, but want to maintain a social and active lifestyle. People in these homes are generally active, but may need support with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, using the toilet, eating, and assistance with medications.
How many suites are there at Mary's House ALF?
There are 5 private suites & 1 semi-private suite.
What is included in the monthly fee?
Starting at $3,500 a month, residents at Mary's House ALF can expect to receive all of the accommodations listed under our Services/Amenities page.